miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My career

My career is Preschool and elementary school teaching traning, on the faculty Social cience in the University of Chile. I chose this career because is very interesting his Student's Handbook centers on the investigation and formation of educational critical futures that are a help to improve the education in Chile. Also I like because in this career they make in everything semesters practices in different schools and garden of children in Santiago. I dislike This career about it force a read many boocks and research very difficult understand, in general the boocks aren`t interest.

My professional expecttion for future? In de future I would like to teach childrens in social risk or teach adults to read and write, would be a good way of putting into practices what we teach at the university. But too I like teach in preschool because it`s very fun work whit the little childrens

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