jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Transantiago: before after

My opinion about transantiago is in some moments good and other moments is bad.Good because the buses (transantiago)are very clean. And bad because when I come to University or other places the buses take too long to arrive to the station all more reason to arrive always late in the class or important situations.
The new system in comparation with the old system is a little better because the yellow buses it was old model, the buses was scrap. The new buses are modern, has big windows,wides corridors and the driver don´t take money, only drive.
Other differens is the appearance, the olds buses was did yellow.. ugly!!
The worst experience i had into Transantiago buses was when a guy attacked a man for steal his money. I was really scared, until appeared a police man and arrested to the offender. Since the drivers don't receive money for the bus ticket, sometimes in some bus lines, delinquents attack them to the passengers for steal his money...Some places in Santiago are dangerous. I would change the security system for the passangers in some bus lines. The communication with the police and buses, in emergencies, must be really fast.

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