In this moment in the faculty my situation is busy, because in the different areas of my carrer we asked more works, orals test and writting test. For this situation is necessary We have the enviroment adequate for study in this faculty. In the university to exist differents places for study for example the library, computer room, gim and other places very confortable. Is necessary have in the class room fresh air, it could to install air-conditioned for example for study in operfect condition. Other thing necessary is the study room from We can study quietly and confortable. For this problem my frist step is study in other faculty, Faculty of Philosophy, because in this place I can study and read boocks quietly. This Faculty have armchairs confortables, is very quiet at difference of the library of my Faculty, is very noisy. for resolve this situation it´s possible have the delivery letter for rector of my Faculty explain the situation and propose give money for implement the project of improve the study place in side of faculty. The project it could create for the students of this faculty, contribute whit own ideas. Of this form is possible we have the place for study and prepare a tests. So the estudents could to take good exams. Do you thing so?
Other futurews recomendations is improve the place in outdoors, not every thing is study too we have a rest. too is important and urgent improve the toilets because it´s in dreadful condition. We have much for work
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