jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Hawaii schools to move to four-day week in state cost-cutting measure

In the "guardian.co.uk news" published the new about the furlough Fridays in the public schools of Hawaii. Suggest at public schools reduction days in the week, five day from four days. The students is very happy because they are been off class one day in the week for play, to rest and watch tv at home. the other point, the techers don´t like the suggest because in their work have forced to take unpaid days off.

Is very important discuss about the benefit or not of this idea because we can´t deny it what for childens is less stressful because in the schools they are in test and they are every days sitting in the chairs. But when speak about the teachers We have a volte-face, the teacher lose the opportunity of take more money becuse they take unpaid days off. possibly maybe is dificult have consensus in this topic.

whit hand in my hard, I like take only one free day overcoat in this moment because I need little freedoom, far from the University and their brainwork.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Election day

I don´t registered to vote and for this moment I`m not interested in politician, possibly maybe in next years I consider registered in the election. The politics in this time are big liars, they promise to obtain votes but not carry out an offer. My opinion on electoral campaigns I s very criticize because I don’t think so in candidates, I think what they have nothing for contribute in the society. They are seek fame and power, take a control on the Estate.

The next president he must be in promise whit the persons in social risk and the controversial areas in relation whit contingency. He has in mind solutions for the people, his temperament must be suitable for to take risk and to be able guide the government.

Never and ever has I thought consider be politician because I don’t interested I’m in the office far from the realities of the people. Other reason is because I don´t the idea doesn´t attract me, is very bored. I would work in the ministery of education because I ´m qualified for take hold this public office, I have knowledge on education in children’s.

In my country the problems are in special in the area of criminal, social protection, juvenile delinquency and desertion in schools

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws

The capital punishment not is good idea because there is another alternative to reduce criminality for example to encourage education in the sector with more juvenile delinquency for we can to prevent take measures there capital punishment. We can´t decide about to kill the people. My option is the life, is very important give justice at all time but the really difficult is know when is the moment or if necessary. The work in now for the differents states is prevent the criminal intercourse in the all countries, specially in te towns in the social risk, make a desicions about the criminal laws in the modern world. The Pros of the capital punishment is avoid the murderous flee from justice for example pedophile, assassines and other criminals of larg bore. Too there aspects negatives in the capital punishment when to acuse innocent person because to kill wrong person, there is a delicate matte.
I was victim of a crime, specially pick pockething in the bus of the transantiago years ago, for lucky I did´t realice when extract of my bag the money for pay the billes.
Was horrible experience but only extract money and I didn´t nothing serius when I saw in other the last year, was a kill the man inside the bus of the transantiago. Now the criminal is in the freedoom in the outsaid of Chile.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Santiago the place interesting

In Santiago of Chile can you visit differents places very interesting. There are outdoors places or where you could learn and enjoy. In the center of santiago you could visit the San Cristobal hill, right there you should enjoy in the metropolitan Zoo, there is you find different animals of Chile or animals of the other countries of teh world.Is fantastic!!. In the Summit of Hill you see the statue of the Virgin, really is beautifull and big, she observe the city from the rise.
Other place in the outdoors is in the town of Quinta Normal, there is you should visit the big park of Quinta Normal. You can go to the "Atequin museum" or "Natural History museum", Near to find the beutifull park whit big tree where you could enjoy oneself of the outdoors. I like museums, there are very interestings, the museum most enjoy is the interactive museum “Mirador”, you shouldn´t to lose the experience, is unique.
You could play whit differents invents and devices, you find nails bed, device electronics and one funny area of bubbles.
At night you should visit ours discotheques and pubs, in the differents towns you find places for dancing and drinking whit your friends or you can know new persons. In the town of the La Florida there is the discotheque “Luxor”, is lively with the “Arabic” topic. It has the big pyramid and two sphinxes, is very easy locate. As well should enjoy the night live in the neighborhood “Bellavista”, there are all type of the pubs and restaurants whit live music of differents stiles. The food is in general the fast food empanadas, hot dog, Chips and for drink has beers, juice, coke and different liquors. Only you should careful whit hang over in the morning of next day. Is horrible